Roofing News
Roof Repair or Roof Replacement?
Deciding when and how to roof is always an agonizing decision for homeowners. The sticker shock is difficult to swallow, and therefore people look at ways to economize. The problem is that a lot of the ways most people think they’re saving money is really a false economy. One of the ways homeowners seek to […]
Read MoreNorthern Virginia Roofing Company, Style Roofing, Announces Home Attic Insulation Service
Haymarket, VA (PRWEB) July 24, 2013 In an era of ever-rising energy costs, homeowners are seeking to make their homes as efficient as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure the home is well-insulated. Almost every homeowner knows to seal walls and caulk around windows and doors. However, one […]
Read MoreChoosing the Right Shingles for Your Roof
Tags:A new roof is an investment, and a decision that few homeowners will make more than a handful of times in their lives. We live in a society that is “house-proud,” and everyone wants the most beautiful and attractive roof they can afford. But how do you go about making that decision? Unlike a new […]
Read MoreBest Roofing Material to Keep Houses Cool
Tags:In the punishing heat of summer, you almost have to wonder; would my house be so hot if the shingles weren’t basically a heat sink? Well, no. In fact, shingles are amongst the worst offenders for capturing and retaining heat, particularly since they are in generally in such dark colors. If you’re looking to re-roof […]
Read MoreUnderstanding the Basics of Roofing
Tags:A roof is a system that keeps the elements out of your home. The humble roof doesn’t get much respect, but if you’ve ever experienced a compromised roof system, you’ll know that it is the first line of defense, and the system that protects all the other systems in your home. Like any other field, […]
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