4 Replacements You Ought to Make Before Selling Your House

It’s no secret that home remodeling projects can give you the most bang for your buck when you’re selling your home. But you don’t want to eat into your profits by overspending on home improvement projects that don’t need to be worked on.

The key is to focus on making essential home repairs and replacements before you put your house on the market. These essential projects make sure that every dollar you spend on your home is supporting a higher listing price instead of eating into your profit margin.

Here are some of the most important projects around your home that you need to take care of before listing your house if you want to get the best possible price.

Replacing your home’s old roof

It’s best to avoid putting a house with an old roof on the market, especially if you can see evidence of a leaking roof. An old roof is one of the biggest deal-breakers for potential homebuyers, and the longer your house sits on the market the lower your listing price will get. Even if you do manage to interest a potential buyer into buying your house as-is, chances are your listing price will significantly drop.

To get your house off the market quickly and for the most value, it’s best to contact the local roof replacement contractors Northern VA has to offer. An asphalt shingle roof replacement has a return on investment of approximately 62%. Potential homebuyers are also more interested in homes that have recently undergone a roof replacement because it means they won’t need a roof replacement for at least another 20 years.

Replacing older windows

A house with old windows isn’t as much of a deal-breaker as a house in need of a roof replacement. But older windows can still deter buyers who want a house that’s move-in ready and energy-efficient. Old windows allow air to escape and UV light to filter into the house, which can seriously kick up energy bills.

Aside from energy-efficiency, it’s best to replace old windows if they’re inoperable with broken glass, latches, springs, or locks. These features can be a big safety issue and may leave potential buyers wondering what else may be potentially wrong with the house. Windows that let in drafts can also be noticeable during a house tour, which can be bad for potential sales.

Replacing ancient appliances

Kitchen renovations can be significantly expensive and it’s rarely recommended to take one on before putting your home on the market. Unless your cabinets are falling apart or there’s a mold issue, it’s best to stick to replacing only the features in your kitchen that need it the most. In this case, it’s usually the appliances that need to be updated.

Well-chosen appliances can add value to your home, but not a lot. That being said, it’s best to only replace the appliances that aren’t working or are seriously outdated to the point that they might break soon after the new homeowner moves in. This way, you’re keeping potential buyers interested in your house without eating into your profit margin by too much.

Replacing old bulbs

While updating your home’s lighting isn’t likely to bring in any serious value, new lights can do wonders for your home’s image during tours. Potential buyers will see your home’s interior as bright and sunny instead of dark and drab.

New lighting is also great for getting the best possible photos of your house when you list your home online. Potential homebuyers largely do their house-hunting online before going in-person to visit the property, and the interior photos of your house are just as important as your home’s curb appeal.

Does your home need a roof replacement?

If you’re planning on selling your home this year and your home’s roof is nearing the end of its life, it’s in your best interest to consider a roof replacement now rather than later. Potential homebuyers are more likely to take notice in a house with a new roof and you feel confident knowing you’ll get a serious return on investment.

Style Roofing has the roofing contractors you need to set your house up for success. To learn more about our roofing services or to schedule a consultation for your roof replacement, contact Style Roofing today.
